You’re Not Entitled To Your Own Facts

June has come and gone. The world keeps turning.

2018 is half over. The world keeps turning.

I am older too. Nearly ancient. The world keeps turning.

Some things are just factual. Truth, however, in these modern times, is far from it.

We see it in the political world around us, where people like crazy Donald Trump, and the delightfully comedic Prime Minister May we have, where holding multiple contradictory opinions simultaneously is now standard operating practice. Orwell called it doublethink. But now it’s more like treble and quadruplethink. Politicians have always lied, but now they can lie and, even when proven wrong, they stick to it, and, worse, rally their troops around the supposed unfairness of it all for having their lies called out.

But I see it in my work and personal life too. Clients who are unfaithful or disloyal to us, and expect us to come picking up the pieces when it all goes to shit. So called business partners who wouldn’t know good advice if it came forward and deposited £10m in their bank account but warned them they could only live off the interest. The whole thing is just unreal these days.

So June has been one of those months. Whilst outside the weather may have gotten better, and summer is most definitely upon us, it has been immensely slow, incredibly frustrating and wholly unsatisfying. People denying obvious realities and trying to make them to be something they are not… that is a recipe for failure. And alleged former business partners, who I used to think of as friends, have shown their true colours. I am not surprised really. It was always a marriage of convenience, one more suitable for them than me… and it’s wasted five or more years of my life being stuck in it.

The only good things – my partner is making good progress with his exams. My family are still alive, including a nice moment when mum and dad came down to visit and we went out for a meal with them. It was all very civilized. Though mum got animated as usual and started with her classic Corbyn obsession. In a very middle class location. But it was all good. We had a good conversation. It had been a while. Sadly, this is how things are now with me and politics. I have no one really to debate it with. But then again, it’s not exactly a fun subject these days. See a few paragraphs back.

No more Mr Nice Author. I have very few friends and those in my confidence. I treat everyone as untrustworthy. It is a shame really, but after what I’ve suffered over the last five years, it seems like this attitude will now be with me forever. No one can be trusted. Not properly. They only disappoint.